I Didn’t Just Lose a Pregnancy: Lainee

I lost my sweet baby at just 8 weeks. We had only known about the pregnancy for two weeks, but after trying for so long, we were so happy! The day I lost the baby was one of the worst days of my life. It was March 21st. My baby was due November 1st. I should be getting ready to welcome a baby. But now the baby is my angel!


The keepsake set that I received is the only tangible thing I have in remembrance of my baby. I didn’t get any ultrasound pictures because the baby was already gone by the time I got to have one. So having the tiny hat and blanket that I can hold onto means so much to me. It is one of my most treasured possessions!


If you or someone you know would like more information on receiving a Project Robby Keepsake Set click here


If you have received a Keepsake or Bereavement Set and would like to be featured in our “I Didn’t Just Lose a Pregnancy” Series click here